Evaluation Ing Alexis


Cocoa expert Ms. Gladys Ramos evaluates the following procedure:

1.- Liquor

1.1- Sample

Once the selected time has elapsed, the mesh-tray with the 300g of beans is removed, allowed to cool down for about 20 minutes, so that the bottom of the beans is not stuck to the table and to prevent it from getting wet. The shells are then removed manually with tweezers and the sample is pre-grounded until it reaches a particle size of <20μ. Finally, the samples are placed in sterile plastic containers with identifying marks for the liquor.

1.2.- Tasting

Flavor/aroma testing is done by a test panel composed of 3 tasters. In their proceedings they sniff the aroma of the liqueurs and later identify their perception and identification of odors. Then they place the liquor in a specific spoon ‘spatula’ for distribution in the oral cavity, attentive to the first sensations and perceived flavors.

According to the obtained level, they are defined with the following characteristics:

2.- Evaluated Organoleptic Characteristics:

3.- The total score

Each Organoleptic Characteristic has a score-range of 0 to 5 points, with 0 being the minimum and 5 being the maximum. The sum of the points of each Organoleptic Characteristic is divided among the evaluated characteristics, obtaining the Total Score.


The classification of Gourmet Cocoa:

1.- Stars

According to the results of the evaluation applied by the ing. Gladys Ramos and her team; where they express the score in a scale of 1 to 10 (*), Intercacao homologates the total obtained to a score of 1 to 5, with 1 being the minimum and 5 the maximum, reflecting in stars according to the following:

1 Point = 1 full star
2 Points = 2 full stars
3 Points = 3 full stars
4 Points = 4 full stars
5 Points = 5 full stars

2.- Cacao Gourmet Names:

2.1.- 1 Full Stars, is Origin cacao
2.2.- 2 or 3 Full Stars, is Fine Cacao
2.3.- 4 or 5 Full Stars, is Extra Fine Cocoa

3.- Levels of Intensity

The score obtained is the evaluation of Ing. Gladys Ramos and her team of experts, is divided into levels (*):

(*) See Manual of Evaluation of Organoleptic Characteristics by Gladys Ramos