Ing. Gladys Isabel Ramos Carranza

Ms. Gladys Ramos is an agronomist engineer with many years of experience in the field. She obtained a master in Development of water and soil management and a position as researcher V at the INIA institute in Venezuela.

Gladys is highly specialized in the world of fine-flavor cocoa.

Since 2010 up to today, she is responsible in the quality control laboratory of the Venezuelan company Cacao Aroma and is board member of CAPEC, the chamber of cocoa commerce in Venezuela (since 2006).

She had hold a diverse range of positions, ranging from consultant to coordinator supporting investigation projects.

p class=»p1″>Gladys travels a lot and can be found at many industry leading events all over Latin-America.

In her work she places special emphasis on sensory profiles and the organoleptic characteristics of fine-flavor cocoa and the agricultural practices that come with it. She applies her knowledge in biology, physiology, chemistry, basically to all the stages cocoa can go through, from seeding and harvesting to the post-harvest phase where fermentation and drying become crucial.

She can be found online related to many publications regarding cocoa quality, organoleptic analysis, chemistry, and Criollo genetics.

p class=»p1″>At Intercacoa we have the privilege to frequently work with Gladys. Her specific knowledge and expertise stands at the basis of our decisions and helps us to improve our processes and obtain optimal results in origin. All this of course, with the end goal to achieve optimal customer satisfaction.

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